• Item

The Forty-sixth Session of the Advisory Committee on Post Adjustment Questions

WIPO, 3-10 February 2025

At this session, the Advisory Committee reviewed the ICSC secretariat’s proposals for improvement of the housing methodology related to the treatment of renters' and homeowners' expenditures on utilities and other housing costs, leading to proposals being recommended, although subject to some refinements, when possible. The Committee also broadly approved proposals of the secretariat regarding the reclassification of expenditures according to the Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (COICOP) 2018 and the proposed revisions of the basket of goods and services and the staff expenditure questionnaire in accordance with COICOP 2018 and other considerations, although subject to further feedback and testing before their use in the next round. Similarly, the Committee approved certain aspects of the proposals of the secretariat related to the results of the global out-of-area survey, but recommended further reprocessing of data based on reweighting and editing of outliers. Finally, the Committee reviewed options for the simplification of the post adjustment index in its compilation and provided a general orientation on which of the options had more value to be pursued further. The session was attended by representatives of many organizations and staff federations, as well as observers from Eurostat and the International Service for Remunerations and Pensions, partner agencies of the ICSC

Posted on 20 February 2025