Should I use the cheapest, most restrictive hotel rate to calculate DSA?

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Should I use the cheapest, most restrictive hotel rate to calculate DSA?

No. The hotel’s flexible and unrestricted rate for a standard room should be used. This rate is also known as “walk-in” or “fully flexible” rate and should not require any advance purchase or prepayment. The rate should allow free cancellation on the day of check in. Using special, advance purchase, confidential or restrictive rates is likely to skew the real cost of the accommodation, as UN travelers often book accommodation at last minute when special/advance purchase rates are not available. UN travellers may also have to cancel on short notice. It is important to inform selected hotels that their participation in the survey does not imply their selection to be a “UN preferred hotel.” Rather, the hotels are selected to determine realistic cost of the accommodation and establish appropriate DSA rate that would allow UN travelers to adequately cover their accommodation expenses and choose the hotel based on the established DSA rate.