How are staff categorized in the United Nations common system?

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How are staff categorized in the United Nations common system?

There are two main categories of staff:


The Professional and higher categories. This category comprises posts:

(a)        having functions concerned with the substantive and managerial activities of the organizations, general administration and language services;

(b)        for the performance of which a university or professional background, or equivalent experience, is required;

(c)        for which staff is recruited internationally, with consideration of appropriate geographical distribution.


The General Service staff is recruited and paid on a local basis. The General Service covers such functions as messengers, clerks, secretaries and administrative support staff. A number of other specialized and technical personnel, such as those engaged in printing, building maintenance, security work or laboratory technicians may be included in the General Service category.


Other categories are:


A Field Service category has been developed by the United Nations for staff employed in peace-keeping missions and in operation of the United Nations telecommunications systems. Staff in this category are mainly radio operators, transport personnel, security office and office support personnel.


National Professional Officers are employed by some organizations to perform professional duties that require knowledge and experience at the national level and so cannot be carried out as effectively by internationally recruited staff. The functions involved are normally in the area of development assistance and public information.


There are other smaller categories which are based on the needs of the individual organizations.